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Strain Towards What is Ahead

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead [Php 3:13] - NIV

Paul, in the book of Philippians, wrote his effort in following Jesus. He said that after being captured and repented by God, Paul changed his frame of mind and strained every nerve to serve Jesus, though he must get rid of an earthly extravagance and a bad character. Paul is completely aware that to being a pure and valorous Christian, we must dispose the self-pampered character and habit beforehand, then begin following Jesus. Without throwing out those things, we will face a hardship and obstacle, or at worst, we may stumble continuously in serving Lord Jesus.
The question is : what does bible say about the importance of disposing an earthly indulgence and a malicious character? what is the serious consequences if we fall away and reject the word of God after being saved by His salvation?

In the book of Ephesians 4:22, it said that You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires . We must put off our old self, including all naughty, wayward, and defiant character which those are in a part of the old self. In a particular way, Paul advised us not to do a foolish talk, falsehood, and robbery.  Moreover, he warned us not to keep grudge in our heart but we must show our compassion, kind, and forgiveness to our brethren as well as neighbor.

Ultimately, to prove that we have been renewed by Christ, we must love each other perfectly. Likewise, Paul implied that having the Christ-oriented character, such as the fruits of spirit in the book of Galatians, is a truly cherished treasure. Therefore, after being fumigated by the blood if Christ, we are entitled to derive a new self, which means a new character that is certainly the most precious thing in our whole life. That's why, we must dispose all of the old character and supplant with the Christ-oriented character.  

Furthermore, in the book of Hebrews, it is explained specifically about the consequences of falling away and having no touch with Christ Jesus. In Heb 6:4-6, it is said that people who have already tasted and derived a spiritual gift and listened to a prudent word of God and then he steps away from God, the consequence is he will no longer have the major repentance. Jesus  had been crucified once to atone for our sins. To respond His redemption thoughtfully , we must behave gently and kindly by obeying His word and not defying His. If we, who have been saved , betray His immeasurable love or even curse Him,  consequently, we will have lost our almighty savior.  There will be no deliverer at all who is able to purify our sins. Therefore, do not go away from God, especially after we have experienced His abundant and resplendent word, otherwise we will be exiled in a restless sins.

In conclusion, according to Paul's writing in the book of Philippians, it is absolutely clear why we should get rid of all the negative and old behavior as well as earthly extravagance. Moreover, to assert the consequence of rejecting and going away from Christ, it has been explicated that we will have lost the redeemer and being exiled. Thus, after being baptized as a Christian, we are responsible to dispose 'what is behind' and make a supreme effort to catch 'what is ahead'. Get rid of all the sinful attitudes and strain at the lash to bear a Christ-oriented character.


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