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Abram's Obedience

The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you [Gen 12:1]

In the book of Genesis, The Lord said to Abram to leave his country and heading to a place that Abram had not known yet. Albeit The Lord did not give Abram a specific path in advanced, Abram still obeyed The Lord and traversed to that unknown place. Overall, in Abram's story, we have already known that through his obedience, he had received a marvelous blessing from God.

The journey of Abram, however, is not as effortless as we thought. In fact, Abram had been through a lot: he had to move to the unrevealed place, he had to believe wholeheartedly to God that he would have an offspring named Issac though he was past age, and ultimately, he was ordered by God to sacrifice his beloved son as an offering. Those challenges that Abram had dealt with is definitely rough and difficult. It is truly understandable that as a sinful man, Abram is entitled to grumble before The Lord. On the other hand, bible said that Abram had done completely toward The Lord's commandment. Astonishingly, it proves that Abram, in his predicament, is able to show vividly his obedience to God.  

Nowadays, in our daily life, that obedience is still needed in order to achieve a marvelous blessing from God. Indeed, it is not only about deriving the blessing, but also, in return, we shall bless people, brethren, or even our circumstances as it is written : I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." [Gen 12:3]. Hence, we must obey wholeheartedly to the word of God, though it seems contradictory to the world view.

Several examples will be given here to explain those aforementioned elucidation. Firstly, it is well-known that God wants us to work lawfully and ethically in our own field. On the contrary, most people tend to work artfully and deviously. Furthermore, they prefer to outfox their business partner in order to get an exorbitant profit. in that case, in which way are we going to choose during our work time? An antithetical means will occur if we determine to work in accordance with bible. Many will gaze or stare at us and even question why you work differently in your workplace. That is a consequences of obeying the bible completely. 

Secondly, for juvenile and youth, it is written in the bible that we should keep the holiness by avoiding the act of premarital sex. However, many are inclined to be lured by the sexual indulgence sourced from internet or magazine. In addition, even though bible has banned strictly toward premarital sex, still, there are a lot of young people who are eager to commit to that sin. This world are offering a speechless and an imaginable enjoyment that can be tasted earlier. No need to wait until get married, every juvenile and youth is able to enjoy it. If we are dealing with that indulgence, what will we choose? Will we still keep our holiness by avoiding the act of premarital sex? No matter how delighted the premarital sex is, still, we must clutch and obey the word of God to keep away from that sin.

To summarize, to receive the blessing from God and to be a blessing to other people, we must obey totally to the Lord. We can imitate Abram and his journey to learn and understand how we should behave obediently before God. At the end of our journey, God may bestow us with His abundant and unfathomable blessing that we never expect before. Once we should underline that having a great obedience like Abram needs a long and rough process. There is no a hyper speed way to acquire that obedience. 


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