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but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isa 40:31)

In the evening, I went to a convenience store to buy some stuffs. That store is located far from my boarding house. After I had finished shopping, I went back to my boarding house by foot. Well, the way to return home is truly tiring and wearing. I must go through the pedestrian bridge by stepping up through that stairs and stepping down on the other side. Then I must walk through the unfriendly pedestrian sidewalk which is only separated by a narrow concrete road separator. After that I must enter an alley which is fully overwhelmed by cars. All of those hindrances make my journey tiring and wearing. 

God understands that the longer we become a Christian, the more exhausted we will become. The further we have walked, the wearier we will feel. All of those conditions are experienced by us, as a human being. If we walk by our own strength we will slowly and gradually be running out of power. At the first moment when we became a Christian we may feel enthusiastic. We were truly eager to serve the Lord. We also had a fiery zeal to join and actively get involved in the ministry in our church. However, when we have been becoming a Christian for a long time, we will feel tired. Perhaps we find that our lives have no changes after we have been serving the Lord for a whole of our lives. Then we start grumbling and complaining for all these ministries. Our faith may fall away. We maybe start questioning "why should I do all of these things for a whole of my life? Is it true that God cares about me or listens to my prayer?". We will face all of those hindrances during our lives as a Christian. 

The aforementioned conditions explain that we can not walk by our own strength. We can walk or run fast by our own strength but it will not last long. Our strength is limited. We can not reach the finish line by our own strength. We may seem strong at first, but later we will be exhausted. We will face various hindrances which will drain our energy. Then how do we do that? How do we pump up our strength? Bible said : those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. God wants us to lay down our hopes in His hand. God wants us to fully depend on Him. Every single time in our lives, we must completely rely on God through His word. Therefore to hope in God completely is a must

Hope in The Lord. He will strengthen you. He will renew your power. 

The further you walk, the stronger you will become


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