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A marriage should be described as the most blissful moment in our lives. However some people experience the opposite moment of marriage in their lives.

What moment do they experience? 

Marriage is the status, condition, or moment that two people becomes one. They are united and bound one each others. They shall love each others by showing an abundant mercy, sacrifice, and acceptance. nobody is perfect, as well as the couple in the marriage life. None of them are flawlessly loving each others. Their loves which should be depicted sincerely, sometimes are showed terribly. A gentle attitude is showed by a rude gesture. A mistake of a person which should be responded by showing mercy, sometimes is responded by a judgmental statement. Those are facts that currently exist in the marriage life of every couple. They often experience such kind of "unsynchronized reaction" which represents the inconsistency of couple. An oath which has been declared in the front of priest, or even God, is not fully implemented in their real life of marriage. A promise "I will be with you in every situation till death do us apart" is just like merely vanished. When they declared the wedding oath they can speak it fluently. However, when they have faced the real life of marriage they both are doing the opposite of their oath. 

What makes that moment occurs in their lives? 

That unsynchronized reaction occurs can be caused several reasons. The core of this issue is the immaturity. This is the condition that triggers or even worsen the unsynchronized reaction. The immaturity is described by the lack of understanding about how to respond accurately and wisely towards any situation, especially a mistake. That is not about perfection or intelligence. Neither high skill nor education can be a good parameter to check the immaturity level of a person. This is all about response. The immature person will respond hastily and tend to make a rough conclusion. Without a further analysis it is done quickly. 

The other reason is because they have the low spiritual level. It does not refer to how often they read the bible, how busy they are doing a ministry, or how fervent and loud they are praying. Actually, it represents how high the awareness they have towards spiritual world. As an oath that had been declared at church, God noted it. Everything they said or did, God noted it. When they react differently from what they had promised, God noted it. When they show unsynchronized reaction to each other, God noted it. If they keep doing that, God will keep noting it. Furthermore, God is not only noting. God will interrupt their marriage life by rebuke them. God will allow any unpleasant or unblissful situation gradually comes upon them. This spiritual action which is done by God, can only be understood and accepted by those who have a high spiritual level. Those who have a high awareness of what God is doing now is the one who will save the marriage. 

How to respond that situation wisely? 

The unsynchronized reaction in marriage can only be minimalized or even eradicated by growing up to be a mature person and turning on the awareness of spiritual world. To be mature first is a must. In order to create a God-oriented marriage it is mandatory to grow up to be a mature person. For the record, a mature person does not mean he or she never makes mistake. Everyone can make mistake and they always will. However, the mature person will react wisely and accurately towards a mistake they are dealing with. (either their own mistake or others). 

To be aware the spiritual world is also important. We are not living in the material world only. There is a supernatural thing out there. Indeed it is true. That supernatural thing although it is unseen, does not mean it does not exist. God is here, forevermore. He is unseen but He exists. Because He exists so He can reacts towards what He has planned for. God may interrupt us or screw up our plans if it is necessary. His authority is absolute. That's why we should be aware of Him, or even better follow His plan and will wholeheartedly.   


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