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Dare to Walk Through It?

"Lord, if it’s you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water.""Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came towards Jesus [Mat 14:28-29]

We do know exactly what Peter had done at that time. At first, Peter fully doubted towards what was appearing to him. He expected it as a ghost or other spiritual creatures hovering on the water. His mind was completely convoluted with a tremendous question: what is it? Finally, he strained to ask someone who was walking on the water outstandingly with a curious question "Lord, if it’s you," tell me to come to you on the water.". As a result from Peter's request, the person who was walking on the water, which we have already known as Jesus, told Peter to come out from the boat and start walking on the water. Surprisingly, Peter truly walked on the water to come closely to Jesus. Here, we can make a gist that Peter, as an ordinary man, had made an extraordinary and miraculous thing, which is as outstanding as Jesus did. 

Today, in our daily life, we probably have experienced a doubtful and uncertain situation which is able to jeopardize ourselves. We have arranged some brilliant plans in advanced, but when we face the reality, it seems that what we have orchestrated, will not run perfectly well. Sometimes, we are afraid to deal with a bankruptcy, financial problem, blackguard , tempered person or any other things that can debilitate our faith. A fear can gnaw our conviction in Christ, slowly but surely.  Thus , it is strongly mandatory to understand that the uncertain situation we face is more likely to weaken our faith. 

As Peter had experienced a wonderful moment with Jesus, we are like to do such that miraculous thing. First of all, we must rely ourselves, it includes believe, dream, family and everything we have, on the God's hand. Confess our sins and acknowledge Him as the most powerful Savior in our life. Subsequently , we have to come out from our boat, which means our own thought. Strain every nerve to act valorously and persistently towards something that seems unreachable. It may drain our energy and concentration sumptuously and overboard, but in return, we will be able to experience an outstanding result that comes up from our valor with Jesus. Therefore, do not be afraid in facing uncertain situation in our life. Surrender our life to God and we will be able to do a marvelous thing.
In summary, do not hesitate when God asks every single of us to walk on the water. Kindly accept His invitation and experience a marvelous thing with Him. Notwithstanding, we must understand clearly that in order to walk on the water, it needs a bold obedience to surrender totally our life to Jesus Christ. After that, undoubtedly, we will certainly experience a miraculous thing as Peter had experienced 


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